Behold! Millions of stories that will never, ever get professionally published, much less reach best sellers lists. The academic/non-fiction market’s much smaller, but also fiercely competitive. I’m reminded of the “everyone has to write a million words of crap before they can start producing good fiction” quote (attributed to Raymond Chandler, it seems), so I guess it’s reasonable to ask your experience with writing: How much have you written, and how often have you accomplished the substantially lesser tasks of getting published at all and making (any!) money off your work? Since you listed a bunch of pop-non-fiction to fill, your, err, “intensional cluster”, what are your areas of expertise? Most of those authors were either well established in their fields or had written extensively already.
Anyway, as for ideas, Dan Carlin recently gave a potential topic (not for money, but for attention) at the very beginning of one of his recent podcasts. Could try something like that. Controversy seems a more reliable way than others to sell.
Behold! Millions of stories that will never, ever get professionally published, much less reach best sellers lists. The academic/non-fiction market’s much smaller, but also fiercely competitive. I’m reminded of the “everyone has to write a million words of crap before they can start producing good fiction” quote (attributed to Raymond Chandler, it seems), so I guess it’s reasonable to ask your experience with writing: How much have you written, and how often have you accomplished the substantially lesser tasks of getting published at all and making (any!) money off your work? Since you listed a bunch of pop-non-fiction to fill, your, err, “intensional cluster”, what are your areas of expertise? Most of those authors were either well established in their fields or had written extensively already.
Anyway, as for ideas, Dan Carlin recently gave a potential topic (not for money, but for attention) at the very beginning of one of his recent podcasts. Could try something like that. Controversy seems a more reliable way than others to sell.