it doesn’t seem clear to me whether this is better or not!
reduced anxiety seems great, but reduced sense of narrative drama is a big cost. part of what makes life seem meaningful to me is the sense of being part of a story, and if anything i feel like my current arc involves gaining abilities to envision myself as inside a narrative. eg: where does it make economic sense to use electrochemical or biological manufacturing? (compared to “thermochemical”, fossil-fuel-powered). For biomanufacturing, only for complex molecules like proteins; for electrochemical processing, mostly metals and things with big voltage potentials in the chemical reaction (zinc, cobalt, copper, lithium, etc) but not simple organic molecules (methane, ethanol, etc)
links 12/03/2024: Sasha Chapin on how meditation changed him
it doesn’t seem clear to me whether this is better or not!
reduced anxiety seems great, but reduced sense of narrative drama is a big cost. part of what makes life seem meaningful to me is the sense of being part of a story, and if anything i feel like my current arc involves gaining abilities to envision myself as inside a narrative. Martha Wells seems like a lovely person recommended by Ben Reinhardt, great example of rigorous analyses of potential future technologies. eg: where does it make economic sense to use electrochemical or biological manufacturing? (compared to “thermochemical”, fossil-fuel-powered). For biomanufacturing, only for complex molecules like proteins; for electrochemical processing, mostly metals and things with big voltage potentials in the chemical reaction (zinc, cobalt, copper, lithium, etc) but not simple organic molecules (methane, ethanol, etc) “US National Security Commission on Emerging Biotechnology”, a congressional advisory committee led by Jason Kelly of Gingko Bioworks
their purpose seems to be getting biotech-friendly policies through congress, with the rationale that this is good for national security/defense.
a lot of naive boosterism about biomanufacturing without engaging with the question of “is this better than alternative manufacturing techniques?” new opportunities for program managers at ARIA: lead a scientific research program!