Rationality is certainly a skill, and something better / more concise exposition on rationality itself can help people develop. But once you learn to think right, what are the some of the most salient object-level ideas that come next? How do we better realize values in the real world, and make make use of / propagate these better ways of thinking? Why is this so hard, and what are strategies to make it easier?
SSC/AXC is a great example of better exploring object-level ideas, and I’d love to see more of that type of work pulled back into the community.
I think this is a great goal, and I’m looking forward to what you put together!
This may be a bit different than the sort of thing you’re asking about, but I’d love to see more development/thought around topics related to https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/XqmjdBKa4ZaXJtNmf/raising-the-sanity-waterline .
Rationality is certainly a skill, and something better / more concise exposition on rationality itself can help people develop. But once you learn to think right, what are the some of the most salient object-level ideas that come next? How do we better realize values in the real world, and make make use of / propagate these better ways of thinking? Why is this so hard, and what are strategies to make it easier?
SSC/AXC is a great example of better exploring object-level ideas, and I’d love to see more of that type of work pulled back into the community.