The Wizard’s Bane series by Rick Cook. The basic idea is great: a Silicon Valley programmer is transported into a magical universe where he has to figure out how to apply programming to a magic system. Caveat lector: the writing is not the best quality, it’s a bit juvenile, but still a light, enjoyable read :)
As I recall most of the interest in in the first book in the series, “Wizards Bane” (1989). I don’t think it’s a spoiler under the circumstances—guy builds a spell generation VM using Forth (because he has no actual computers at hand, he needs to keep things really simple).
It’s implied in later books that he bootstraps more complex systems from there.
The Wizard’s Bane series by Rick Cook. The basic idea is great: a Silicon Valley programmer is transported into a magical universe where he has to figure out how to apply programming to a magic system. Caveat lector: the writing is not the best quality, it’s a bit juvenile, but still a light, enjoyable read :)
As I recall most of the interest in in the first book in the series, “Wizards Bane” (1989). I don’t think it’s a spoiler under the circumstances—guy builds a spell generation VM using Forth (because he has no actual computers at hand, he needs to keep things really simple).
It’s implied in later books that he bootstraps more complex systems from there.