I like the idea and direction of text watermarks, and more research could be done to see how to feasibly do this as adding watermarks to text seems to be much harder than images.
Maybe already mentioned in the article but I missed—have you done any analysis on how these methods effect the semantics/word choice availability from the author’s perspective?
I haven’t, no. I really wish I could somehow investigate all 3 pillars of a good watermark (Decisiveness, Invisibility, Robustness), but I couldn’t think of any way to quantify a general text watermark’s invisibility. For any given watermark you can technically rate “how invisible it is” by using an LLM’s loss function to see how different the watermarked text is from the original text, but I can’t come up with a way to generalize this. So unfortunately my analysis was only about the interplay between decisiveness and robustness.
I like the idea and direction of text watermarks, and more research could be done to see how to feasibly do this as adding watermarks to text seems to be much harder than images.
Maybe already mentioned in the article but I missed—have you done any analysis on how these methods effect the semantics/word choice availability from the author’s perspective?
I haven’t, no. I really wish I could somehow investigate all 3 pillars of a good watermark (Decisiveness, Invisibility, Robustness), but I couldn’t think of any way to quantify a general text watermark’s invisibility. For any given watermark you can technically rate “how invisible it is” by using an LLM’s loss function to see how different the watermarked text is from the original text, but I can’t come up with a way to generalize this.
So unfortunately my analysis was only about the interplay between decisiveness and robustness.