The similar formatting of the comments suggests that in this thread it’s mostly one person with a lot of links to share.
Personally, I just haven’t been bothered to make an account, and have been using the username account exclusively for about 5 years. I’d estimate 30-50% of all the posts on the account were made by me over this timeframe, though writing style suggests to me that a good number of people have used it as a one-shot throwaway, and several people have used it many times.
The similar formatting of the comments suggests that in this thread it’s mostly one person with a lot of links to share.
Personally, I just haven’t been bothered to make an account, and have been using the username account exclusively for about 5 years. I’d estimate 30-50% of all the posts on the account were made by me over this timeframe, though writing style suggests to me that a good number of people have used it as a one-shot throwaway, and several people have used it many times.