Then, since I’ve done the upfront work of thinking through my own metacognitive practices, the assistant only has to track in the moment what situation I’m in, and basically follow a flowchart I might be too tunnel-visioned to handle myself.
In the past I have literally used flowcharts for this, including very simple “choose your own adventure” templates in roam.
The root node is just “something feels off, or something”, and then the template would guide me through a series of diagnostic questions, leading me to root nodes with checklists of very specific next actions depending on my state.
The fact that you have and are using flowcharts for that use is very validating to me, because I’ve been trying to create my own special flowcharts to guide me through diagnostic questions on a wide range of situations for about 6 months down.
Are you willing or able to share any of yours? Or at the very least what observations you’ve made about the ones you use the most or are most effective? (Obviously different courses for different horses/adjust the seat—everyone will have different flowcharts depending on their own meta-cognitive bottlenecks)
Mine has gone through many iterations. The most most expansive one is it lists different interrogatives “Should I...” “Why do I...” “How can/should I...” and suggests what I should be asking instead. For example “Why do I always...” should be replaced with “Oh yeah, name three times this happened?” which itself begs the problem statement questions—Why did you expect that to work (How how confident were you/how surprised when it didn’t)? How did it differ from your expectations? How did you react (and why did you react in that way)?
The most useful one is a cheatsheet of how to edit videos, with stuff like “Cut at least one frame after the dialogue/vocals comes in”, “if an edit feels sloppy, consider grouping B-roll by location rather than theme/motif”. It’s not really a flowchart in that there’s rarely branching paths like the question one.
Does this, at least structurally or implementation wise resemble your most effective flow-charts?
This was process I tried for a while to make transitioning out of less effective states easier, by reducing the cognitive overhead. I would basically answer a series of questions to navigate a tree of possible states, and then the app would tell me directly what to do next, instead of my needing to diagnose what was up with me free-form, and then figure out how to respond to that, all of which was unaffordable when I was in a low-efficacy state.
State modulation process:
Start: #[[state modulation notes]]
Is this a high activation state or a low activation state?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[High activation]]}}
Am I currently compulsive / stimulation hungry / reactive / urgey?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[yes]]}}
{{[[TODO]]}} Generate a random number between 0 and 2
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[Untitled]]}}
{{[[TODO]]}} 0
[Hypothesized approach]
{{[[TODO]]}} **Do 3 minutes of cardio to clear cache. **
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[Untitled]]}}
{{[[TODO]]}} **Take some breaths to clear space and then check in with what’s present for me. **
{{[[TODO]]}} 1
[Hypothesized approach]
{{[[TODO]]}} Meditate into the sensation for 4 minutes
{{[[TODO]]}} 2
[Hypothesized approach]
{{[[TODO]]}} Alternating warm-cold shower
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[no]]}}
Activated—What is the flavor of the activation?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[Overwhelm / bursting with threads]]}}
**Write out all my threads on note-cards. **
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[“Left over activation”]]}}
One of:
{{[[TODO]]}} Just sit with the sensation, observing it, and feeling the space around it.
{{[[TODO]]}} Just focus on my breath.
{{[[TODO]]}} Intentionally lower my arousal with biofeedback
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[“Psychological”]]}}
Do Focusing
{{[[Focusing checklist]]}}
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[I’m not sure]]}}
Meditate, alternating with Journaling
Set a 5 minute timer
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[Low activation]]}}
Am I...?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[Sleep deprived]]}}
Does it feel like if I tried to nap that I would fall asleep?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[yes]]}}
Do I have at least 2 hours before my next commitment?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[yes]]}}
Do yoga nidra:
{{[[nap checklist]]}}
Put my phone on silent
Generate a random number between 0 and 3
0 - nothing
1 - Turn on pink noise
2 - Turn on binaural beats in the alpha range
Take a moment to feel the appeal of getting cozy and going to sleep
Turn on the air conditioner
Start a randomized yoga nidra audio
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[no]]}}
Do a 20 minute yoga-nidra, then amp up with bellows breathing
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[no]]}}
Have I exercised already today?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[yes]]}}
Can I easily play beatsaber, and do I feel like it?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[yes]]}}
go play beatsaber
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[no]]}}
Do a 20 minute yoga nidra
[note that I need to make a separate playlist for these]
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[no]]}}
Go exercise:
What is smallest next step for going to exercise?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[Cognitively drained]]}}
Does it feel like if I tried to nap that I would fall asleep?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[yes]]}}
Do I have at least 2 hours before my next commitment?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[yes]]}}
Lie down for a 40 minute yoga-nidra
{{[[nap checklist]]}}
Put my phone on silent
Generate a random number between 0 and 3
0 - nothing
1 - Turn on pink noise
2 - Turn on binaural beats in the alpha range
Take a moment to feel the appeal of getting cozy and going to sleep
Turn on the air conditioner
Start a randomized yoga nidra audio
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[no]]}}
Do a 20 minute yoga-nidra, then amp up with bellows breathing
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[no]]}}
Have I exercised already today?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[yes]]}}
Can I easily play beatsaber, and do I feel like it?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[yes]]}}
go play beatsaber
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[no]]}}
Do a 20 minute yoga nidra
[note that I need to make a separate playlist for these]
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[no]]}}
Go exercise:
What is smallest next step for going to exercise?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[Physically exhausted]]}}
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[Slugish]]}}
Am I slugish from just having eaten?
{{[[TODO]]}} Yes, I just ate
Have I done my anki review for the day?
{{[[TODO]]}} Yes
Go read saved articles
And if I bounce off of that, go lie down with my eyes closed.
{{[[TODO]]}} No
Do an anki review
If I bounce off, lie down with my eyes closed.
{{[[TODO]]}} No, that’s not the cause
Drink a glass of water
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[Untitled]]}}
Do I want to just lie down with my eyes closed?
{{[[TODO]]}} Yeah, that sounds good
Lay down with my eyes closed.
{{[[TODO]]}} No, not really
Go exercise,__ even if I already have for the day__.
What’s the first, smallest step for going to exercise?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[Fuzzy]]}}
{{[[TODO]]}} Drink a tall glass of water
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[Untitled]]}}
Go exercise,__ even if I already have for the day__.
What’s the first, smallest step for going to exercise?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[Feeling stuck or cloged or weighed down]]}}
Do Focusing
{{[[Focusing checklist]]}}
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[in a slow-mode]]}}
Do I want to be in a slow mode?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[yes]]}}
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[no]]}}
Shift state:
Start by imagining yourself from the outside, and imagining yourself in a different state, and feeling the the appeal of that different state.
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[urgy, stimulation hungry]]}}
Hypothesized approach:
Do 3 minutes of cardio to clear cache.
Orient on what’s next.
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[Unmotivated]]}}
Am I dressed?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[yes]]}}
Feel into my chest. Is there a feeling of “stuckness”?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[yes]]}}
Do focusing.
[Focusing checklist]
Clear a space
Delineate all of the parts that I can feel
Ask what most wants my attention
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[Untitled]]}}
Did it work?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[no]]}}
Lie down with my eyes closed
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[no]]}}
Am I averse to a specific task or just generally uninterested?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[Averse to a specific task]]}}
Is it an ambiguity aversion, a “ugh” aversion, or active opposition?)
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[ambiguity aversion]]}}
What is the absolute minimum next step?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[next]}}
Simulate that next step.
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[“ugh” aversion, it feels like a slog]]}}
Did I precommit to do this as one of my main goals for the day?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[yes]]}}
{{[[TODO]]}} Take one deep breath.
{{[[TODO]]}} Start a Focusmate session.
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[no]]}}
Dialog with my motivation
Any of:
{{[[TODO]]}} Goal factor
{{[[TODO]]}}** Iterate up the motivation chain**
[[Goal-chain inspection]]
{{[[TODO]]}} Fermi estimate of it it seems worth it to do
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[active opposition]]}}
{{[[TODO]]}} Do Focusing
{{[[Pull up Focusing checklist]]}}
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[generally uninterested]]}}
{{[[TODO]]}} Journal: What do I want?
{{[[TODO]]}} Lie down with my eyes closed until something seems worth getting up for.
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[no]]}}
{{[[TODO]]}} get dressed.
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[Untitled]]}}
Am I averse to a specific task or just generally uninterested?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[Averse to a specific task]]}}
Is it an ambiguity aversion, a “ugh” aversion, or active opposition?)
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[ambiguity aversion]]}}
What is the absolute minimum next step?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[next]}}
Simulate that next step.
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[“ugh” aversion, it feels like a slog]]}}
Did I precommit to do this as one of my main goals for the day?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[yes]]}}
{{[[TODO]]}} Take one deep breath.
{{[[TODO]]}} Start a Focusmate session.
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[no]]}}
Dialog with my motivation
Any of:
{{[[TODO]]}} Goal factor
{{[[TODO]]}}** Iterate up the motivation chain**
[[Goal-chain inspection]]
{{[[TODO]]}} Fermi estimate of it it seems worth it to do
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[active opposition]]}}
{{[[TODO]]}} Do Focusing
{{[[Pull up Focusing checklist]]}}
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[generally uninterested]]}}
{{[[TODO]]}} Journal: What do I want?
{{[[TODO]]}} Lie down with my eyes closed until something seems worth getting up for.
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[otherwise low energy]]}}
Am I dressed?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[yes]]}}
Check in with myself, to see if there’s something that I need.
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[no]]}}
{{[[TODO]]}} Get dressed.
Am I feelingbetter?
Check in with myself, to see if there’s something that I need.
Namely, the impetus to start still needed to come from inside of me in my low efficacy state.
I thought that I should do a training regime where I took some drugs or something (maybe mega doses of carbs?) to intentionally induce low efficacy states and practice executing a simple crisp routine, like triggering the flowchart, but I never actually got around to doing that.
In the past I have literally used flowcharts for this, including very simple “choose your own adventure” templates in roam.
The root node is just “something feels off, or something”, and then the template would guide me through a series of diagnostic questions, leading me to root nodes with checklists of very specific next actions depending on my state.
The fact that you have and are using flowcharts for that use is very validating to me, because I’ve been trying to create my own special flowcharts to guide me through diagnostic questions on a wide range of situations for about 6 months down.
Are you willing or able to share any of yours? Or at the very least what observations you’ve made about the ones you use the most or are most effective? (Obviously different courses for different horses/adjust the seat—everyone will have different flowcharts depending on their own meta-cognitive bottlenecks)
Mine has gone through many iterations. The most most expansive one is it lists different interrogatives “Should I...” “Why do I...” “How can/should I...” and suggests what I should be asking instead. For example “Why do I always...” should be replaced with “Oh yeah, name three times this happened?” which itself begs the problem statement questions—Why did you expect that to work (How how confident were you/how surprised when it didn’t)? How did it differ from your expectations? How did you react (and why did you react in that way)?
The most useful one is a cheatsheet of how to edit videos, with stuff like “Cut at least one frame after the dialogue/vocals comes in”, “if an edit feels sloppy, consider grouping B-roll by location rather than theme/motif”. It’s not really a flowchart in that there’s rarely branching paths like the question one.
Does this, at least structurally or implementation wise resemble your most effective flow-charts?
Here’s an example.
This was process I tried for a while to make transitioning out of less effective states easier, by reducing the cognitive overhead. I would basically answer a series of questions to navigate a tree of possible states, and then the app would tell me directly what to do next, instead of my needing to diagnose what was up with me free-form, and then figure out how to respond to that, all of which was unaffordable when I was in a low-efficacy state.
State modulation process:
Start: #[[state modulation notes]]
Is this a high activation state or a low activation state?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[High activation]]}}
Am I currently compulsive / stimulation hungry / reactive / urgey?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[yes]]}}
{{[[TODO]]}} Generate a random number between 0 and 2
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[Untitled]]}}
{{[[TODO]]}} 0
[Hypothesized approach]
{{[[TODO]]}} **Do 3 minutes of cardio to clear cache. **
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[Untitled]]}}
{{[[TODO]]}} **Take some breaths to clear space and then check in with what’s present for me. **
{{[[TODO]]}} 1
[Hypothesized approach]
{{[[TODO]]}} Meditate into the sensation for 4 minutes
{{[[TODO]]}} 2
[Hypothesized approach]
{{[[TODO]]}} Alternating warm-cold shower
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[no]]}}
Activated—What is the flavor of the activation?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[Overwhelm / bursting with threads]]}}
**Write out all my threads on note-cards. **
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[“Left over activation”]]}}
One of:
{{[[TODO]]}} Just sit with the sensation, observing it, and feeling the space around it.
{{[[TODO]]}} Just focus on my breath.
{{[[TODO]]}} Intentionally lower my arousal with biofeedback
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[“Psychological”]]}}
Do Focusing
{{[[Focusing checklist]]}}
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[I’m not sure]]}}
Meditate, alternating with Journaling
Set a 5 minute timer
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[Low activation]]}}
Am I...?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[Sleep deprived]]}}
Does it feel like if I tried to nap that I would fall asleep?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[yes]]}}
Do I have at least 2 hours before my next commitment?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[yes]]}}
Do yoga nidra:
{{[[nap checklist]]}}
Put my phone on silent
Generate a random number between 0 and 3
0 - nothing
1 - Turn on pink noise
2 - Turn on binaural beats in the alpha range
Take a moment to feel the appeal of getting cozy and going to sleep
Turn on the air conditioner
Start a randomized yoga nidra audio
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[no]]}}
Do a 20 minute yoga-nidra, then amp up with bellows breathing
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[no]]}}
Have I exercised already today?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[yes]]}}
Can I easily play beatsaber, and do I feel like it?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[yes]]}}
go play beatsaber
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[no]]}}
Do a 20 minute yoga nidra
[note that I need to make a separate playlist for these]
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[no]]}}
Go exercise:
What is smallest next step for going to exercise?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[Cognitively drained]]}}
Does it feel like if I tried to nap that I would fall asleep?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[yes]]}}
Do I have at least 2 hours before my next commitment?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[yes]]}}
Lie down for a 40 minute yoga-nidra
{{[[nap checklist]]}}
Put my phone on silent
Generate a random number between 0 and 3
0 - nothing
1 - Turn on pink noise
2 - Turn on binaural beats in the alpha range
Take a moment to feel the appeal of getting cozy and going to sleep
Turn on the air conditioner
Start a randomized yoga nidra audio
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[no]]}}
Do a 20 minute yoga-nidra, then amp up with bellows breathing
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[no]]}}
Have I exercised already today?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[yes]]}}
Can I easily play beatsaber, and do I feel like it?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[yes]]}}
go play beatsaber
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[no]]}}
Do a 20 minute yoga nidra
[note that I need to make a separate playlist for these]
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[no]]}}
Go exercise:
What is smallest next step for going to exercise?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[Physically exhausted]]}}
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[Slugish]]}}
Am I slugish from just having eaten?
{{[[TODO]]}} Yes, I just ate
Have I done my anki review for the day?
{{[[TODO]]}} Yes
Go read saved articles
And if I bounce off of that, go lie down with my eyes closed.
{{[[TODO]]}} No
Do an anki review
If I bounce off, lie down with my eyes closed.
{{[[TODO]]}} No, that’s not the cause
Drink a glass of water
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[Untitled]]}}
Do I want to just lie down with my eyes closed?
{{[[TODO]]}} Yeah, that sounds good
Lay down with my eyes closed.
{{[[TODO]]}} No, not really
Go exercise,__ even if I already have for the day__.
What’s the first, smallest step for going to exercise?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[Fuzzy]]}}
{{[[TODO]]}} Drink a tall glass of water
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[Untitled]]}}
Go exercise,__ even if I already have for the day__.
What’s the first, smallest step for going to exercise?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[Feeling stuck or cloged or weighed down]]}}
Do Focusing
{{[[Focusing checklist]]}}
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[in a slow-mode]]}}
Do I want to be in a slow mode?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[yes]]}}
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[no]]}}
Shift state:
Start by imagining yourself from the outside, and imagining yourself in a different state, and feeling the the appeal of that different state.
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[urgy, stimulation hungry]]}}
Hypothesized approach:
Do 3 minutes of cardio to clear cache.
Orient on what’s next.
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[Unmotivated]]}}
Am I dressed?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[yes]]}}
Feel into my chest. Is there a feeling of “stuckness”?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[yes]]}}
Do focusing.
[Focusing checklist]
Clear a space
Delineate all of the parts that I can feel
Ask what most wants my attention
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[Untitled]]}}
Did it work?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[no]]}}
Lie down with my eyes closed
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[no]]}}
Am I averse to a specific task or just generally uninterested?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[Averse to a specific task]]}}
Is it an ambiguity aversion, a “ugh” aversion, or active opposition?)
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[ambiguity aversion]]}}
What is the absolute minimum next step?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[next]}}
Simulate that next step.
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[“ugh” aversion, it feels like a slog]]}}
Did I precommit to do this as one of my main goals for the day?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[yes]]}}
{{[[TODO]]}} Take one deep breath.
{{[[TODO]]}} Start a Focusmate session.
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[no]]}}
Dialog with my motivation
Any of:
{{[[TODO]]}} Goal factor
{{[[TODO]]}}** Iterate up the motivation chain**
[[Goal-chain inspection]]
{{[[TODO]]}} Fermi estimate of it it seems worth it to do
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[active opposition]]}}
{{[[TODO]]}} Do Focusing
{{[[Pull up Focusing checklist]]}}
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[generally uninterested]]}}
{{[[TODO]]}} Journal: What do I want?
{{[[TODO]]}} Lie down with my eyes closed until something seems worth getting up for.
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[no]]}}
{{[[TODO]]}} get dressed.
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[Untitled]]}}
Am I averse to a specific task or just generally uninterested?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[Averse to a specific task]]}}
Is it an ambiguity aversion, a “ugh” aversion, or active opposition?)
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[ambiguity aversion]]}}
What is the absolute minimum next step?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[next]}}
Simulate that next step.
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[“ugh” aversion, it feels like a slog]]}}
Did I precommit to do this as one of my main goals for the day?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[yes]]}}
{{[[TODO]]}} Take one deep breath.
{{[[TODO]]}} Start a Focusmate session.
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[no]]}}
Dialog with my motivation
Any of:
{{[[TODO]]}} Goal factor
{{[[TODO]]}}** Iterate up the motivation chain**
[[Goal-chain inspection]]
{{[[TODO]]}} Fermi estimate of it it seems worth it to do
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[active opposition]]}}
{{[[TODO]]}} Do Focusing
{{[[Pull up Focusing checklist]]}}
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[generally uninterested]]}}
{{[[TODO]]}} Journal: What do I want?
{{[[TODO]]}} Lie down with my eyes closed until something seems worth getting up for.
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[otherwise low energy]]}}
Am I dressed?
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[yes]]}}
Check in with myself, to see if there’s something that I need.
{{[[TODO]]}} {{[[no]]}}
{{[[TODO]]}} Get dressed.
Am I feelingbetter?
Check in with myself, to see if there’s something that I need.
Did this work?
Somewhat. Not as well as a thinking assistant.
Namely, the impetus to start still needed to come from inside of me in my low efficacy state.
I thought that I should do a training regime where I took some drugs or something (maybe mega doses of carbs?) to intentionally induce low efficacy states and practice executing a simple crisp routine, like triggering the flowchart, but I never actually got around to doing that.
I maybe still should?