Are you thinking of
Until Dawn?
(also it seems like I can get a spoiler tag to work in comments by starting a line with >! but not by putting text into :::spoiler [text] :::)
That’s the one. I couldn’t get either solution to work:
>! I am told this text should be spoilered
:::spoiler And this text too:::
Hmm, I have exactly one idea. Are you pressing shift+enter to new line? For me, if I do shift+enter>! I don’t get a spoiler
But if I hit regular enter then type >!, the spoiler tag pops up as I’m typing (don’t need to wait to submit the question for it to appear)
That’s it! Thanks, I have no idea why shift+enter is special there.
This works
Are you thinking of
Until Dawn?
(also it seems like I can get a spoiler tag to work in comments by starting a line with >! but not by putting text into :::spoiler [text] :::)
That’s the one. I couldn’t get either solution to work:
>! I am told this text should be spoilered
:::spoiler And this text too:::
Hmm, I have exactly one idea. Are you pressing shift+enter to new line? For me, if I do shift+enter
>! I don’t get a spoiler
But if I hit regular enter then type >!, the spoiler tag pops up as I’m typing (don’t need to wait to submit the question for it to appear)
That’s it! Thanks, I have no idea why shift+enter is special there.
This works