Umm—who are these people that would rather donate their time than their money?
I guess, I have never been one of those people—unless someone needs work in my realm of expertise (in my case, tweaking computers to do what you want it to do, fairly cheaply, or training people to use them), I don’t volunteer for very much at all.
I do love modern web banking—I can set my bank account to send $5 a month to my local NPR/PBS affiliate, 2nd week of the month, the Monday after my payday (So I can turn it off if I’m unexpectedly tight). The ACLU get it’s $5 on the 4th Monday, and if I’m doing well the EFF gets a donation on week 3. It’s been a bad year so I can’t honestly remember what I had toggled up for week one—it’s my weakest week financially (mortgage payment) so my lowest priority was there.
Giving money is great—let them hire who they need. If I show up at a soup kitchen, they needed a computer geek.
Umm—who are these people that would rather donate their time than their money?
I guess, I have never been one of those people—unless someone needs work in my realm of expertise (in my case, tweaking computers to do what you want it to do, fairly cheaply, or training people to use them), I don’t volunteer for very much at all.
I do love modern web banking—I can set my bank account to send $5 a month to my local NPR/PBS affiliate, 2nd week of the month, the Monday after my payday (So I can turn it off if I’m unexpectedly tight). The ACLU get it’s $5 on the 4th Monday, and if I’m doing well the EFF gets a donation on week 3. It’s been a bad year so I can’t honestly remember what I had toggled up for week one—it’s my weakest week financially (mortgage payment) so my lowest priority was there.
Giving money is great—let them hire who they need. If I show up at a soup kitchen, they needed a computer geek.