List of some medium-sized mech interp project ideas (see also: shorter and longer ideas). Feel encouraged to leave thoughts in the replies below!
Edit: My mentoring doc has more-detailed write-ups of some projects. Let me know if you’re interested!
Toy model of Computation in Superposition: The toy model of computation in superposition (CIS; Circuits-in-Sup, Comp-in-Sup post / paper) describes a way in which NNs could perform computation in superposition, rather than just storing information in superposition (TMS). It would be good to have some actually trained models that do this, in order (1) to check whether NNs learn this algorithm or a different one, and (2) to test whether decomposition methods handle this well.
This could be, in the simplest form, just some kind of non-trivial memorisation model, or AND-gate model. Just make sure that the task does in fact require computation, and cannot be solved without the computation. A more flashy versions could be a network trained to do MNIST and FashionMNIST at the same time, though this would be more useful for goal (2).
Transcoder clustering:Transcoders are a sparse dictionary learning method that e.g. replaces an MLP with an SAE-like sparse computation (basically an SAE but not mapping activations to itself but to the next layer). If the above model of computation / circuits in superposition is correct (every computation using multiple ReLUs for redundancy) then the transcoder latents belonging to one computation should co-activate. Thus it should be possible to use clustering of transcoder activation patterns to find meaningful model components (circuits in the circuits-in-superposition model). (Idea suggested by @Lucius Bushnaq, mistakes are mine!) There’s two ways to do this project:
Train a toy model of circuits in superposition (see project above), train a transcoder, cluster latent activations, and see if we can recover the individual circuits.
Or just try to cluster latent activations in an LLM transcoder, either existing (e.g. TinyModel) or trained on an LLM, and see if the clusters make any sense.
Investigating / removing LayerNorm (LN): For GPT2-small I showed that you can remove LN layers gradually while fine-tuning without loosing much model performance (workshop paper, code, model). There are three directions that I want to follow-up on this project.
Can we use this to find out which tasks the model did use LN for? Are there prompts for which the noLN model is systematically worse than a model with LN? If so, can we understand how the LN acts mechanistically?
The second direction for this project is to check whether this result is real and scales. I’m uncertain about (i) given that training GPT2-small is possible in a few (10?) GPU-hours, does my method actually require on the order of training compute? Or can it be much more efficient (I have barely tried to make it efficient so far)? This project could demonstrate that the removing LayerNorm process is tractable on a larger model (~Gemma-2-2B?), or that it can be done much faster on GPT2-small, something on the order of O(10) GPU-minutes.
Finally, how much did the model weights change? Do SAEs still work? If it changed a lot, are there ways we can avoid this change (e.g. do the same process but add a loss to keep the SAEs working)?
List of some medium-sized mech interp project ideas (see also: shorter and longer ideas). Feel encouraged to leave thoughts in the replies below!
Edit: My mentoring doc has more-detailed write-ups of some projects. Let me know if you’re interested!
Toy model of Computation in Superposition: The toy model of computation in superposition (CIS; Circuits-in-Sup, Comp-in-Sup post / paper) describes a way in which NNs could perform computation in superposition, rather than just storing information in superposition (TMS). It would be good to have some actually trained models that do this, in order (1) to check whether NNs learn this algorithm or a different one, and (2) to test whether decomposition methods handle this well.
This could be, in the simplest form, just some kind of non-trivial memorisation model, or AND-gate model. Just make sure that the task does in fact require computation, and cannot be solved without the computation. A more flashy versions could be a network trained to do MNIST and FashionMNIST at the same time, though this would be more useful for goal (2).
Transcoder clustering: Transcoders are a sparse dictionary learning method that e.g. replaces an MLP with an SAE-like sparse computation (basically an SAE but not mapping activations to itself but to the next layer). If the above model of computation / circuits in superposition is correct (every computation using multiple ReLUs for redundancy) then the transcoder latents belonging to one computation should co-activate. Thus it should be possible to use clustering of transcoder activation patterns to find meaningful model components (circuits in the circuits-in-superposition model). (Idea suggested by @Lucius Bushnaq, mistakes are mine!) There’s two ways to do this project:
Train a toy model of circuits in superposition (see project above), train a transcoder, cluster latent activations, and see if we can recover the individual circuits.
Or just try to cluster latent activations in an LLM transcoder, either existing (e.g. TinyModel) or trained on an LLM, and see if the clusters make any sense.
Investigating / removing LayerNorm (LN): For GPT2-small I showed that you can remove LN layers gradually while fine-tuning without loosing much model performance (workshop paper, code, model). There are three directions that I want to follow-up on this project.
Can we use this to find out which tasks the model did use LN for? Are there prompts for which the noLN model is systematically worse than a model with LN? If so, can we understand how the LN acts mechanistically?
The second direction for this project is to check whether this result is real and scales. I’m uncertain about (i) given that training GPT2-small is possible in a few (10?) GPU-hours, does my method actually require on the order of training compute? Or can it be much more efficient (I have barely tried to make it efficient so far)? This project could demonstrate that the removing LayerNorm process is tractable on a larger model (~Gemma-2-2B?), or that it can be done much faster on GPT2-small, something on the order of O(10) GPU-minutes.
Finally, how much did the model weights change? Do SAEs still work? If it changed a lot, are there ways we can avoid this change (e.g. do the same process but add a loss to keep the SAEs working)?