But standing behind his target, unnoticed, the Ship’s Confessor had produced from his sleeve the tiny stunner—the weapon which he alone on the ship was authorized to use, if he made a determination of outright mental breakdown. With a sudden motion, the Confessor’s arm swept out...
… and anaesthetised everyone in the room. He then went downstairs to the engine room, and caused the sun to go supernova, blocking access to earth.
Regardless of his own preferences, he takes the option for humanity to ‘painlessly’ defect in inter-stellar prisoners dilemma, knowing apriori that the superhappys chose to co-operate.
But standing behind his target, unnoticed, the Ship’s Confessor had produced from his sleeve the tiny stunner—the weapon which he alone on the ship was authorized to use, if he made a determination of outright mental breakdown. With a sudden motion, the Confessor’s arm swept out...
… and anaesthetised everyone in the room. He then went downstairs to the engine room, and caused the sun to go supernova, blocking access to earth.
Regardless of his own preferences, he takes the option for humanity to ‘painlessly’ defect in inter-stellar prisoners dilemma, knowing apriori that the superhappys chose to co-operate.