Okay, I’m sorry, I know I am a horrible human being that is a product of its time and can’t comprehend the societal macroevolution of his own species but DAMN IT, these people are way, way, way too ethical for anything human-like to be seen upon them. They literally stopped celebrating the effective salvation of their entire species for the youth of a species that causes little to no stimuli liable to evoke sympathy in evolutionary terms. And I know I’m shallow, and I know we’d all love to think we’re more decent as a whole than tojudge our intergalactic neighbors by looks alone but if the aliens in question looked like insectoid crystals, I’m sorry, we would care little more about them than we care about the black widow spiders eating their own husbands or, hell, as meerkats do to their young when times get tough. Sure, no conscience, that is an exceptional argument to make that in a perfect world would end the debate there… on paper. In reality we cannot help it but be extremely affected by such radical changes in outward appearance… sigh, thank Eliezer for the confessor. I’m identifying so much right now
Okay, I’m sorry, I know I am a horrible human being that is a product of its time and can’t comprehend the societal macroevolution of his own species but DAMN IT, these people are way, way, way too ethical for anything human-like to be seen upon them. They literally stopped celebrating the effective salvation of their entire species for the youth of a species that causes little to no stimuli liable to evoke sympathy in evolutionary terms. And I know I’m shallow, and I know we’d all love to think we’re more decent as a whole than tojudge our intergalactic neighbors by looks alone but if the aliens in question looked like insectoid crystals, I’m sorry, we would care little more about them than we care about the black widow spiders eating their own husbands or, hell, as meerkats do to their young when times get tough. Sure, no conscience, that is an exceptional argument to make that in a perfect world would end the debate there… on paper. In reality we cannot help it but be extremely affected by such radical changes in outward appearance… sigh, thank Eliezer for the confessor. I’m identifying so much right now