One thing I’ve had partial success with this month is changing the vocabulary/tone of my inner dialog. My original plan was to replace “Austin, you **ing retard!”, which was getting sub-vocalized far too often, with “well, that was wrong..” or something of the like. It worked at first, but now I find myself saying “really??!?!?” instead, and basically meaning the same thing I was originally saying. I’m not sure what effect it’s had on my self-confidence, if any, but it was worth a try and I did consciously change a behavior.
One thing I’ve had partial success with this month is changing the vocabulary/tone of my inner dialog. My original plan was to replace “Austin, you **ing retard!”, which was getting sub-vocalized far too often, with “well, that was wrong..” or something of the like. It worked at first, but now I find myself saying “really??!?!?” instead, and basically meaning the same thing I was originally saying. I’m not sure what effect it’s had on my self-confidence, if any, but it was worth a try and I did consciously change a behavior.