people love to find patterns in things. sometimes this manifests as mysticism- trying to find patterns where they don’t exist, insisting that things are not coincidences when they totally just are. i think a weaker version of this kind of thinking shows up a lot in e.g literature too- events occur not because of the bubbling randomness of reality, but rather carry symbolic significance for the plot. things don’t just randomly happen without deeper meaning.
some people are much more likely to think in this way than others. rationalists are very far along the spectrum in the “things just kinda happen randomly a lot, they don’t have to be meaningful” direction.
there are some obvious cognitive bias explanations for why people would see meaning/patterns in things. most notably, it’s comforting to feel like we understand things. the idea of the world being deeply random and things just happening for no good reason is scary.
but i claim that there is something else going on here. I think an inclination towards finding latent meaning is actually quite applicable when thinking about people. people’s actions are often driven by unconscious drives to be quite strongly correlated with those drives. in fact, unconscious thoughts are often the true drivers, and the conscious thoughts are just the rationalization. but from the inside, it doesn’t feel that way; from the inside it feels like having free will, and everything that is not a result of conscious thought is random or coincidental. this is a property that is not nearly as true of technical pursuits, so it’s very reasonable to expect a different kind of reasoning to be ideal.
not only is this useful for modelling other people, but it’s even more useful for modelling yourself. things only come to your attention if your unconscious brain decides to bring them to your attention. so even though something happening to you may be a coincidence, whether you focus on it or forget about it tells you a lot about what your unconscious brain is thinking. from the inside, this feels like things that should obviously be coincidence nonetheless having some meaning behind them. even the noticing of a hypothesis for the coincidence is itself a signal from your unconscious brain.
I don’t quite know what the right balance is. on the one hand, it’s easy to become completely untethered from reality by taking this kind of thing too seriously and becoming superstitious. on the other hand, this also seems like an important way of thinking about the world that is easy for people like me (and probably lots of people on LW) to underappreciate.
people love to find patterns in things. sometimes this manifests as mysticism- trying to find patterns where they don’t exist, insisting that things are not coincidences when they totally just are. i think a weaker version of this kind of thinking shows up a lot in e.g literature too- events occur not because of the bubbling randomness of reality, but rather carry symbolic significance for the plot. things don’t just randomly happen without deeper meaning.
some people are much more likely to think in this way than others. rationalists are very far along the spectrum in the “things just kinda happen randomly a lot, they don’t have to be meaningful” direction.
there are some obvious cognitive bias explanations for why people would see meaning/patterns in things. most notably, it’s comforting to feel like we understand things. the idea of the world being deeply random and things just happening for no good reason is scary.
but i claim that there is something else going on here. I think an inclination towards finding latent meaning is actually quite applicable when thinking about people. people’s actions are often driven by unconscious drives to be quite strongly correlated with those drives. in fact, unconscious thoughts are often the true drivers, and the conscious thoughts are just the rationalization. but from the inside, it doesn’t feel that way; from the inside it feels like having free will, and everything that is not a result of conscious thought is random or coincidental. this is a property that is not nearly as true of technical pursuits, so it’s very reasonable to expect a different kind of reasoning to be ideal.
not only is this useful for modelling other people, but it’s even more useful for modelling yourself. things only come to your attention if your unconscious brain decides to bring them to your attention. so even though something happening to you may be a coincidence, whether you focus on it or forget about it tells you a lot about what your unconscious brain is thinking. from the inside, this feels like things that should obviously be coincidence nonetheless having some meaning behind them. even the noticing of a hypothesis for the coincidence is itself a signal from your unconscious brain.
I don’t quite know what the right balance is. on the one hand, it’s easy to become completely untethered from reality by taking this kind of thing too seriously and becoming superstitious. on the other hand, this also seems like an important way of thinking about the world that is easy for people like me (and probably lots of people on LW) to underappreciate.