Usually, in person (either as a tag-team or “I’ll be right over here, call me when you’re stumped” approach; I’ve experimentally confirmed that behind-the-shoulder teaching has horrible success rates, at least for this subject), though a few times by chat / IM while passing the code back and forth (or better yet, having one of those rare setups where it’s live-synch’ed).
TL;DR: Look at examples of wildly successful teaching recipes, take cues from them and from LW techniques and personal experience at learning, fiddle a little with it all, and bam, you’ve got a plan for teaching someone to program! Now you just need pedagogical ability.
My general approach is to feel out what dumb-basics they know by looking at it as if we were inventing programming piecemeal, naturally with my genius insight letting us work out most of the kinks on the spot. I also go straight for my list of Things I Wish Someone Would Have Told Me Sooner, the list of Things That Should Be In Every Single So-Called “Beginner’s Tutorial To Programming” Ever, and the list of Kindergarden Concepts You Need To Know To Create Computer Programs—written versions pending.
For instance, every “Beginner’s Tutorial to Programming” I’ve ever seen fails to mention early enough that all this code and fancy stuff they’re showing is nice and all, but to actually have meaningful user interactions and outputs from your program to other things (like the user’s screen, such as making windows appear and put text and buttons in them!) you have to learn to find the right APIs, the right handles and calls to make, and I’ve yet to see a single tutorial, guide, textbook, handbook, “crash course” or anything that isn’t trial-and-error or a human looking at what you did that actually teaches how to do that. So this is among the first things I hammer into them -
“You want to display a popup with yes/no buttons? Open up the Reference here, search for “prompt”, “popup”, “window”, “input” or anything else that seems related, and swim around until you find something that looks like it does what you’re doing, copy the examples given as much as possible in your own code, making changes only to things you’ve already mastered, and try it!”
...somewhat like this, though that’s only for illustration. In a real setting, I’d be double-checking every step of the way there that they remember and understand what I told them about Developer References earlier on, that their face doesn’t scrunch up at any of the terms I suggest for their search, that they can follow the visual display / UI of this particular reference I’m showing them (I’m glaring at you, javadoc! You’re horribly cruel to newbies.) and find their way around it after a bit of poking around, and so on.
Obviously, that’s nowhere near the first things to tackle, though. Most tutorials devote approximately twelve words to the entire idea of variables, which is rather ridiculous when contrasted with the fact that most people barely remember their math classes from high school, and never had the need or chance to wrap their head around the concept of variables as it stands in programming. Just making sure a newbie can wrap their mind comfortably around the idea that a variable won’t have a set value (I pointedly ignore constants at that point, because it’s utterly, completely unnecessary and utterly confusing to mention them until they have an actual need for them, which is way way way waaaaaaaay later—they can just straight-up leave raw values right in the source code until then), that a variable will probably change as the program works, that it won’t change on its own but since programs get big and you can’t be sure you won’t have anything else ever changing it you should always assume it could change somewhere else, etc. etc. etc. There are so many concepts that already-programmers and geeks and math-savvy people just gloss right over that obviously those not part of those elites aren’t going to understand a thing when you start playing guerilla on their brain with return values, mutable vs immutable, variable data types, privates and scopes, classes vs instances, statics, and all that good stuff.
Buuut I’m rambling here. I suppose I just approach this as a philosophical “blend” between facilitating a child’s wonder-induced discovery of the world and its possibilities, and a drill sergeant teaching raw recruits which fingers to bend how in what order and at what speed to best tie their army boot shoelaces and YOU THERE, DON’T FOLD IT LIKE THAT! DO YOU WANT YOUR FINGERS TO SLIP AND DROP THE LACE AND GIVE YOUR ENEMY TIME TO COME UP BEHIND YOU? START OVER!
Of course, it might be my perspective that’s different. I was forewarned both by my trudging, crawly, slow learning of programming and by others about the difficulty of teaching programming, and as silly as it might sound, I have a lot more experience than the average expert self-taught wiz programmer at learning how to program, since I took such a sinuous, intermittent, unassisted and uncrunched road through it.
Anecdotally, I think I’ve re-learned what classes and objects were (after forgetting it from stopping my self-teaching for months) at least eight times. So I have at least eight different, internal, fully-modeled experiences of the whole process of learning those things and figuring out what I’m missing and so on, without anyone ever telling me what I was doing or thinking wrong, to draw from as I try to imagine all the things that might be packed and obfuscated in all the abstracts and concepts in there.
Usually, in person (either as a tag-team or “I’ll be right over here, call me when you’re stumped” approach; I’ve experimentally confirmed that behind-the-shoulder teaching has horrible success rates, at least for this subject), though a few times by chat / IM while passing the code back and forth (or better yet, having one of those rare setups where it’s live-synch’ed).
TL;DR: Look at examples of wildly successful teaching recipes, take cues from them and from LW techniques and personal experience at learning, fiddle a little with it all, and bam, you’ve got a plan for teaching someone to program! Now you just need pedagogical ability.
My general approach is to feel out what dumb-basics they know by looking at it as if we were inventing programming piecemeal, naturally with my genius insight letting us work out most of the kinks on the spot. I also go straight for my list of Things I Wish Someone Would Have Told Me Sooner, the list of Things That Should Be In Every Single So-Called “Beginner’s Tutorial To Programming” Ever, and the list of Kindergarden Concepts You Need To Know To Create Computer Programs—written versions pending.
For instance, every “Beginner’s Tutorial to Programming” I’ve ever seen fails to mention early enough that all this code and fancy stuff they’re showing is nice and all, but to actually have meaningful user interactions and outputs from your program to other things (like the user’s screen, such as making windows appear and put text and buttons in them!) you have to learn to find the right APIs, the right handles and calls to make, and I’ve yet to see a single tutorial, guide, textbook, handbook, “crash course” or anything that isn’t trial-and-error or a human looking at what you did that actually teaches how to do that. So this is among the first things I hammer into them -
“You want to display a popup with yes/no buttons? Open up the Reference here, search for “prompt”, “popup”, “window”, “input” or anything else that seems related, and swim around until you find something that looks like it does what you’re doing, copy the examples given as much as possible in your own code, making changes only to things you’ve already mastered, and try it!”
...somewhat like this, though that’s only for illustration. In a real setting, I’d be double-checking every step of the way there that they remember and understand what I told them about Developer References earlier on, that their face doesn’t scrunch up at any of the terms I suggest for their search, that they can follow the visual display / UI of this particular reference I’m showing them (I’m glaring at you, javadoc! You’re horribly cruel to newbies.) and find their way around it after a bit of poking around, and so on.
Obviously, that’s nowhere near the first things to tackle, though. Most tutorials devote approximately twelve words to the entire idea of variables, which is rather ridiculous when contrasted with the fact that most people barely remember their math classes from high school, and never had the need or chance to wrap their head around the concept of variables as it stands in programming. Just making sure a newbie can wrap their mind comfortably around the idea that a variable won’t have a set value (I pointedly ignore constants at that point, because it’s utterly, completely unnecessary and utterly confusing to mention them until they have an actual need for them, which is way way way waaaaaaaay later—they can just straight-up leave raw values right in the source code until then), that a variable will probably change as the program works, that it won’t change on its own but since programs get big and you can’t be sure you won’t have anything else ever changing it you should always assume it could change somewhere else, etc. etc. etc. There are so many concepts that already-programmers and geeks and math-savvy people just gloss right over that obviously those not part of those elites aren’t going to understand a thing when you start playing guerilla on their brain with return values, mutable vs immutable, variable data types, privates and scopes, classes vs instances, statics, and all that good stuff.
Buuut I’m rambling here. I suppose I just approach this as a philosophical “blend” between facilitating a child’s wonder-induced discovery of the world and its possibilities, and a drill sergeant teaching raw recruits which fingers to bend how in what order and at what speed to best tie their army boot shoelaces and YOU THERE, DON’T FOLD IT LIKE THAT! DO YOU WANT YOUR FINGERS TO SLIP AND DROP THE LACE AND GIVE YOUR ENEMY TIME TO COME UP BEHIND YOU? START OVER!
Of course, it might be my perspective that’s different. I was forewarned both by my trudging, crawly, slow learning of programming and by others about the difficulty of teaching programming, and as silly as it might sound, I have a lot more experience than the average expert self-taught wiz programmer at learning how to program, since I took such a sinuous, intermittent, unassisted and uncrunched road through it.
Anecdotally, I think I’ve re-learned what classes and objects were (after forgetting it from stopping my self-teaching for months) at least eight times. So I have at least eight different, internal, fully-modeled experiences of the whole process of learning those things and figuring out what I’m missing and so on, without anyone ever telling me what I was doing or thinking wrong, to draw from as I try to imagine all the things that might be packed and obfuscated in all the abstracts and concepts in there.