I’ve read (mostly things by Ron Maimon) that marijuana* can actually impair your ability to do calculations (and in extent, I’d also assume your ability to make decisions) and I’m curious if there’s any truth to that.
Is there a difference between marijuana, medical marijuana, weed, instert_name_here? They seem to be used interchangeably. At least they seem to cause a similar if not the exact same effect.
There are long-term effects, but the impact seems to be not fully clear (wikipedia, On the other hand there are many known side-effects of the normal drugs used for the same purpose.
Beside the medical properties there are also the social properties of a drug.
I’ve read (mostly things by Ron Maimon) that marijuana* can actually impair your ability to do calculations (and in extent, I’d also assume your ability to make decisions) and I’m curious if there’s any truth to that.
Is there a difference between marijuana, medical marijuana, weed, instert_name_here? They seem to be used interchangeably. At least they seem to cause a similar if not the exact same effect.
There are long-term effects, but the impact seems to be not fully clear (wikipedia, On the other hand there are many known side-effects of the normal drugs used for the same purpose.
Beside the medical properties there are also the social properties of a drug.
See also the AMS report Brain science, addiction and drugs.