It would be wonderful if defending freedom were a one-off job like proving Fermat’s Last Theorem. As it turns out, it’s an endlessly recurring job like fighting disease; unfortunate, but that’s the way it is. And yes, sometimes our efforts fail, and freedoms are lost or people get sick and die. But the answer to that is to work harder and smarter, not to give up.
Who’s giving up? You whiners are just playing the politicians’ game. Avoidance often works better and wastes less time. Some people have begun work on an alternate domain name type system, and others different style replacements that would be harder to control, for example.
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The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.
“The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.”
It would be wonderful if defending freedom were a one-off job like proving Fermat’s Last Theorem. As it turns out, it’s an endlessly recurring job like fighting disease; unfortunate, but that’s the way it is. And yes, sometimes our efforts fail, and freedoms are lost or people get sick and die. But the answer to that is to work harder and smarter, not to give up.
Until you eradicate smallpox, or polio, or Congress.
Who’s giving up? You whiners are just playing the politicians’ game. Avoidance often works better and wastes less time. Some people have begun work on an alternate domain name type system, and others different style replacements that would be harder to control, for example.
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