The point I am making is that machine learning, though not provably safe, is the most effective way we can imagine of making the utility function. It’s very likely that many AI’s are going to be created by this method, and if the failure rate is anywhere near as high as that for humans, this could be very serious indeed. Some misguided person may attempt to create an FAI using machine learning and then we may have the situation in the H+ article
That wasn’t what I claimed, I proposed that the current, most promising methods of producing an FAI are far too likely to produce a UFAI to be considered safe
Why do you think the whole website is obsessed with provably-friendly AI?
The whole point of MIRI is that pretty much every superintelligence that is anything other than provably safe is going to be unfriendly! This site is littered with examples of how terribly almost-friendly AI would go wrong! We don’t consider current methods “too likely” to produce a UFAI, we think they’re almost certainly going to produce UFAI! (Conditional on creating a superintelligence at all, of course).
So as much as I hate asking this question because it’s alienating, have you read the sequences?
The point I am making is that machine learning, though not provably safe, is the most effective way we can imagine of making the utility function. It’s very likely that many AI’s are going to be created by this method, and if the failure rate is anywhere near as high as that for humans, this could be very serious indeed. Some misguided person may attempt to create an FAI using machine learning and then we may have the situation in the H+ article
Congratulations! You’ve figured out that UFAI is a threat!
That wasn’t what I claimed, I proposed that the current, most promising methods of producing an FAI are far too likely to produce a UFAI to be considered safe
Why do you think the whole website is obsessed with provably-friendly AI? The whole point of MIRI is that pretty much every superintelligence that is anything other than provably safe is going to be unfriendly! This site is littered with examples of how terribly almost-friendly AI would go wrong! We don’t consider current methods “too likely” to produce a UFAI, we think they’re almost certainly going to produce UFAI! (Conditional on creating a superintelligence at all, of course).
So as much as I hate asking this question because it’s alienating, have you read the sequences?