Michael Vassar: I have no idea who you are, but I’ll proceed on the assumption that the “job” you mention is one of representing Eliezer and/or the other OvercomingBias authors in some sort of business capacity.
I don’t know Max on a personal level. We’ve talked a few times on his board and he might be dimly aware of my existence, but I make no claims as to what he will do if contacted by Eliezer or an agent of Eliezer’s.
Serious discussions of potential OvercomingBias projects/movies and whatnot should be sent to Max’s assistant, Ian Claudius—ian.claudius(AT)gmail.com. The Rudius people are smart and good content creators (multiple book contracts, one soon to be hit movie and stuff I actually like).
Michael Vassar: I have no idea who you are, but I’ll proceed on the assumption that the “job” you mention is one of representing Eliezer and/or the other OvercomingBias authors in some sort of business capacity.
I don’t know Max on a personal level. We’ve talked a few times on his board and he might be dimly aware of my existence, but I make no claims as to what he will do if contacted by Eliezer or an agent of Eliezer’s.
Serious discussions of potential OvercomingBias projects/movies and whatnot should be sent to Max’s assistant, Ian Claudius—ian.claudius(AT)gmail.com. The Rudius people are smart and good content creators (multiple book contracts, one soon to be hit movie and stuff I actually like).