why should I care?
Isn’t this an objection to any theory of ethics?
As a lone question, it could be, but the point of his post is that even stipulating utilitarianism it does not follow that you or I should maximize the utils of Mr. Utility Monster.
No, only theories of ethics that say that I should care about things that I do not already care about.
And it is, in case, not an objection but a question. :)
Not necesarily a fatal one.
I believe some famous philosopher already has this point named after him.
Isn’t this an objection to any theory of ethics?
As a lone question, it could be, but the point of his post is that even stipulating utilitarianism it does not follow that you or I should maximize the utils of Mr. Utility Monster.
No, only theories of ethics that say that I should care about things that I do not already care about.
And it is, in case, not an objection but a question. :)
Not necesarily a fatal one.
I believe some famous philosopher already has this point named after him.