The story is an alternate history of A Fire Upon the Deep, but it’s a sequel to Permutation City—it’s not an alternative to Egan’s ending, but something that could have happened after Egan’s ending took place as written.
Oh, I understood that. Except that your explanation of what happened at the end of Permutation City made sense whereas how that story actually ended did not. Hence I prefer your explanation of the ending of Permutation City to the one provided in the book.
I really enjoyed the story, and I have to say that I prefer your ending to Permutation City than the one that Egan wrote.
The story is an alternate history of A Fire Upon the Deep, but it’s a sequel to Permutation City—it’s not an alternative to Egan’s ending, but something that could have happened after Egan’s ending took place as written.
Oh, I understood that. Except that your explanation of what happened at the end of Permutation City made sense whereas how that story actually ended did not. Hence I prefer your explanation of the ending of Permutation City to the one provided in the book.