Robin: The gender/sex distinction was there to support additional items that got taken out and saved for future posts (which I’ll probably do eventually). I don’t regret leaving it in here, as it stands as an important general observation.
Among the controversial ideas I would propose, is that until men start thinking of themselves as men they will tend to regard women as defective humans.
It’s also worth noting that feminists don’t necessarily speak for women any more than philosophers of science speak for scientists.
Angel, the logic of your discussion with Robin seemed clear to me: Robin asked for examples of what this blog could doing to drive away women. A direct answer might have been “You talk about us like we’re aliens, well, we don’t like that” or “As soon as I saw the header image I wanted to leave.” You replied with a list of general things you thought Robin should do, which is not at all the same as saying, “I think this is driving away your female readers.” Which latter would be, to some extent, testable, and something we could ask other readers about. I didn’t think your list was unhelpful, but ultimately Robin is not obligated to do something just because you want him to do it.
If Robin sinned against you in that thread, then I, myself also a male, cannot see it. And remember that there is a male sex and a female sex, not a wrong sex and a right sex. So it is not that the truth is laid out plainly, and you see it, but we are blind. That is treating us as defective versions of yourself. If you can point out an exact specific moment where you were offended, we may be able to cross the gap and see this thing that is in your brain and not in ours. If you only tell us that you were offended, we can only guess.
Robin: The gender/sex distinction was there to support additional items that got taken out and saved for future posts (which I’ll probably do eventually). I don’t regret leaving it in here, as it stands as an important general observation.
Among the controversial ideas I would propose, is that until men start thinking of themselves as men they will tend to regard women as defective humans.
It’s also worth noting that feminists don’t necessarily speak for women any more than philosophers of science speak for scientists.
Angel, the logic of your discussion with Robin seemed clear to me: Robin asked for examples of what this blog could doing to drive away women. A direct answer might have been “You talk about us like we’re aliens, well, we don’t like that” or “As soon as I saw the header image I wanted to leave.” You replied with a list of general things you thought Robin should do, which is not at all the same as saying, “I think this is driving away your female readers.” Which latter would be, to some extent, testable, and something we could ask other readers about. I didn’t think your list was unhelpful, but ultimately Robin is not obligated to do something just because you want him to do it.
If Robin sinned against you in that thread, then I, myself also a male, cannot see it. And remember that there is a male sex and a female sex, not a wrong sex and a right sex. So it is not that the truth is laid out plainly, and you see it, but we are blind. That is treating us as defective versions of yourself. If you can point out an exact specific moment where you were offended, we may be able to cross the gap and see this thing that is in your brain and not in ours. If you only tell us that you were offended, we can only guess.