I was imagining that a potential blackmailer would self modify/be an Always-Blackmail-bot specifically to make sure there would be no incentive for potential victims to be a “never-give-in-to-blackmail-bot”
But that leads to stupid equilibrium of plenty of blackmailers and no participating victims. Everyone loses.
Yes, I agree that no blackmail seems to be the Right Equilibrium, but it’s not obvious to me exactly how to get there without the same reasoning that leads to becoming a never-give-in-bot also leading potential blackmailers to becoming always-blackmail-bots.
I find I am somewhat confused on this matter. Well, frankly I suspect I’m just being stupid, that there’s some obvious extra step in the reasoning I’m being blind to. It “feels” that way, for lack of better terms.
The act of agent A blackmailing agent B costs agent A more than not blackmailing agent B (at the very least A could use the time spent saying “if you don’t do X then I will do Y” on something else).
If A is an always-blackmail-bot then A will continue to incur the costs of futilely blackmailing B (given that B does not give in to blackmail).
If the costs of blackmailing B (and/or following through with the threat) are not negative, then A should blackmail B (and/or follow through with the threat) regardless of B’s position on blackmail. And by extension, agent B has no incentive to switch from his or her never-give-in strategy.
If A inspects B and determines that B will never give in to blackmail, then A will not waste resources blackmailing B.
I was imagining that a potential blackmailer would self modify/be an Always-Blackmail-bot specifically to make sure there would be no incentive for potential victims to be a “never-give-in-to-blackmail-bot”
But that leads to stupid equilibrium of plenty of blackmailers and no participating victims. Everyone loses.
Yes, I agree that no blackmail seems to be the Right Equilibrium, but it’s not obvious to me exactly how to get there without the same reasoning that leads to becoming a never-give-in-bot also leading potential blackmailers to becoming always-blackmail-bots.
I find I am somewhat confused on this matter. Well, frankly I suspect I’m just being stupid, that there’s some obvious extra step in the reasoning I’m being blind to. It “feels” that way, for lack of better terms.
My argument is more or less as follows:
The act of agent A blackmailing agent B costs agent A more than not blackmailing agent B (at the very least A could use the time spent saying “if you don’t do X then I will do Y” on something else).
If A is an always-blackmail-bot then A will continue to incur the costs of futilely blackmailing B (given that B does not give in to blackmail).
If the costs of blackmailing B (and/or following through with the threat) are not negative, then A should blackmail B (and/or follow through with the threat) regardless of B’s position on blackmail. And by extension, agent B has no incentive to switch from his or her never-give-in strategy.
If A inspects B and determines that B will never give in to blackmail, then A will not waste resources blackmailing B.
Blackmail, almost definitionally, only happens in conditions of incomplete information.