My mistake. This is the “Hello, world” place. But the default sort of this one should probably not be by “top scoring”? However, like the visible top scored comment, I, too, have been away from LW for some years. (Nice to see that I can change the sort order without losing my draft. Evidence of solid code. However the newly visible top comment is from 5 months ago? Months between comments?)
I was reminded of LW by The AI Does Not Hate You, though I’m pretty sure I’ve seen other references to it over the years. So far my impressions are mostly favorable, except that it seems to use 1D karma and I’m averse to reducing people (or even my opinions about people) to any single dimension.
I am somewhat interested in the mentioned books related to LW, but I have trouble finishing ebooks. Perhaps the first thing I should seek is advice on how to enjoy ebooks? I still enjoy many dead trees every year. (And I confirmed that none of my local libraries has any of them. I pretty regularly use a half dozen library systems.)
My mistake. This is the “Hello, world” place. But the default sort of this one should probably not be by “top scoring”? However, like the visible top scored comment, I, too, have been away from LW for some years. (Nice to see that I can change the sort order without losing my draft. Evidence of solid code. However the newly visible top comment is from 5 months ago? Months between comments?)
I was reminded of LW by The AI Does Not Hate You, though I’m pretty sure I’ve seen other references to it over the years. So far my impressions are mostly favorable, except that it seems to use 1D karma and I’m averse to reducing people (or even my opinions about people) to any single dimension.
I am somewhat interested in the mentioned books related to LW, but I have trouble finishing ebooks. Perhaps the first thing I should seek is advice on how to enjoy ebooks? I still enjoy many dead trees every year. (And I confirmed that none of my local libraries has any of them. I pretty regularly use a half dozen library systems.)