The vast majority of people that show 90% or more correlation with me are concentrated in 2 areas of the world, New York city and California (SF Bay in particular), this is one of the indicators I choose for where I’ll try to live.
Maybe you checked, but is it possible that the vast majority of OK Cupid users overall are in SF or NYC? This wouldn’t surprise me at all.
Had not checked. Easier way to check was to look for my enemies. (there is an enemy match)
Seems that I’ll have a bad bad time in Greece, India, Southeast Asia, Florida and all those american states that when you are from outside the USA, you have no idea where they are.
I do have enemies in California, so I’m guessing Cali does indeed have many cupid people. None of them is the Bay Area though.
Maybe you checked, but is it possible that the vast majority of OK Cupid users overall are in SF or NYC? This wouldn’t surprise me at all.
Had not checked. Easier way to check was to look for my enemies. (there is an enemy match) Seems that I’ll have a bad bad time in Greece, India, Southeast Asia, Florida and all those american states that when you are from outside the USA, you have no idea where they are.
I do have enemies in California, so I’m guessing Cali does indeed have many cupid people. None of them is the Bay Area though.