With meetup threads the trend tends to be to up vote people for showing enthusiasm, or just for saying they’re going. Maybe up voters justify this as way to encourage people to be vocal about participation, but I doubt the up voters are thinking that far ahead. More likely: people excited about a meetup up vote people that seem excited.
Comments informing that someone is going to be attending a meetup fall in the category “I would like to see more comments like this”. I just hope it doesn’t lead to abuse of strange incentives.
It is not at all clear to me why this was upvoted three times.
With meetup threads the trend tends to be to up vote people for showing enthusiasm, or just for saying they’re going. Maybe up voters justify this as way to encourage people to be vocal about participation, but I doubt the up voters are thinking that far ahead. More likely: people excited about a meetup up vote people that seem excited.
Comments informing that someone is going to be attending a meetup fall in the category “I would like to see more comments like this”. I just hope it doesn’t lead to abuse of strange incentives.
Well, now we’re just being contrary =P
Could be people using votes as an “I’ve read this” marker; I’ve done that sometimes.
A marker for their own future reference or for other people’s?
I was thinking for their own, but it seems like it would accomplish both.