Evidence implies observation. Observation implies conscious experience. So your evidence for a world independent of conscious experience turns out to be … conscious experience. I expect you can see why that isn’t going to work.
In what sense does this “not work”? All of modern technology was designed and constructed under the paradigm that there is a world independent of conscious experience—the competing framework has produced bupkis.
Evidence implies observation. Observation implies conscious experience. So your evidence for a world independent of conscious experience turns out to be … conscious experience. I expect you can see why that isn’t going to work.
No, I can’t. Conscious experience is our evidence for the existence of the real world.
The hypothesis that the real world exists seems favoured heavily by Occam’s razor.
If there was no world out there, life would probably be a lot more like dreaming is.
In what sense does this “not work”? All of modern technology was designed and constructed under the paradigm that there is a world independent of conscious experience—the competing framework has produced bupkis.