Or actually randomize I suppose. Number all options 1-N, multiply random numbers in your head until you get stuck (eg 2×6×9×95×34 in order, then when you miltiply that by 37 you get stuck. Use the last number,) though obviously getting it wrong is fine. Modulo N, +1.
Walla, your choice, randomized.
The taller/bigger person should pick the bigger number.
You and your ex should a) actually coordinate b)not go to each other’s favorite place or places very close to their home.
Anything simple, not reversible, obvious. The big guy gets a big number.
The closer person goes to the bar.
Or actually randomize I suppose. Number all options 1-N, multiply random numbers in your head until you get stuck (eg 2×6×9×95×34 in order, then when you miltiply that by 37 you get stuck. Use the last number,) though obviously getting it wrong is fine. Modulo N, +1. Walla, your choice, randomized.