Good question. The site guide page seemed to imply that the moderators are responsible for deciding what becomes a frontpage post. The check mark “Moderators may promote to Frontpage” seems to imply this even more, it doesn’t feel like you are deciding that it becomes a frontpage post.
I often do not even look at these settings and check marks when I write a post, and I think it’s expected that most people don’t. When you create an account on a website, do you read the full legal terms and conditions, or do you just click agree?
I do agree that this should have been a blog post not a frontpage post, but we shouldn’t blame Jennifer too much for this.
What is the relevance of the site guide quote? OP is a frontpage post.
Good question. The site guide page seemed to imply that the moderators are responsible for deciding what becomes a frontpage post. The check mark “Moderators may promote to Frontpage” seems to imply this even more, it doesn’t feel like you are deciding that it becomes a frontpage post.
I often do not even look at these settings and check marks when I write a post, and I think it’s expected that most people don’t. When you create an account on a website, do you read the full legal terms and conditions, or do you just click agree?
I do agree that this should have been a blog post not a frontpage post, but we shouldn’t blame Jennifer too much for this.