V 0.5.5: wrote a key paragraph about NESS: similar outcomes just before Pascal’s Other Wager? (The Problem of Points). Added the obvious normalizing constant so that average voter power is 1. Analyzed some simple plurality cases in Retrospective voting power in single-winner plurality.
V 0.6.0: Coined the term “Representational Fairness” for my metric. Did a worked example of Single transferrable vote (STV), and began to discuss the example. Bumping version because I’m now beginning to actually discuss concrete methods instead of just abstract metrics.
V 0.7.0: Switched from “Representational Fairness” to the more-interpretable “Vote Wastage”. Wrote enough so that it’s possible to understand what I mean by VW, but this still needs revision for clarity/convincingness. Also pending, change my calculations for specific methods from RF to VW.
V 0.7.1: added a digression on dimesionality, in italics, to the “Measuring “Representation quality”, separate from power” section. Finished converting the existing examples from RF to VW.
V 0.7.2: A terminology change. New terms: Retroactive Power, Effective Voting Equality, Effective Choice, Average Voter Effectiveness. (The term “effective” is a nod toCatherine Helen Spence). The math is the same except for some ultimately-inconsequential changes in when you subtract from 1. Also, started to add a closed list example from Israel; not done yet.
V0.7.3 Still tweaking terminology. Now, Vote Power Fairness, Average Voter Choice, Average Voter Effectiveness. Finished (at least first draft) of closed list/Israel analysis.
V0.9.1: Another terminology tweak. New terms: Average Voter Effectiveness, Average Voter Choice, Average Voter Effective Choice. Also, post-mortem will happen in a separate document. (This same version might later be changed to 1.0)
V 0.5.5: wrote a key paragraph about NESS: similar outcomes just before Pascal’s Other Wager? (The Problem of Points). Added the obvious normalizing constant so that average voter power is 1. Analyzed some simple plurality cases in Retrospective voting power in single-winner plurality.
V 0.6.0: Coined the term “Representational Fairness” for my metric. Did a worked example of Single transferrable vote (STV), and began to discuss the example. Bumping version because I’m now beginning to actually discuss concrete methods instead of just abstract metrics.
V 0.7.0: Switched from “Representational Fairness” to the more-interpretable “Vote Wastage”. Wrote enough so that it’s possible to understand what I mean by VW, but this still needs revision for clarity/convincingness. Also pending, change my calculations for specific methods from RF to VW.
V 0.7.1: added a digression on dimesionality, in italics, to the “Measuring “Representation quality”, separate from power” section. Finished converting the existing examples from RF to VW.
V 0.7.2: A terminology change. New terms: Retroactive Power, Effective Voting Equality, Effective Choice, Average Voter Effectiveness. (The term “effective” is a nod to Catherine Helen Spence). The math is the same except for some ultimately-inconsequential changes in when you subtract from 1. Also, started to add a closed list example from Israel; not done yet.
V0.7.3 Still tweaking terminology. Now, Vote Power Fairness, Average Voter Choice, Average Voter Effectiveness. Finished (at least first draft) of closed list/Israel analysis.
V0.9: I decided to make a few final edits (mostly, adding a summary and a post-mortem section, which is currently unfinished) then freeze this as is.
(This was done some time ago but I forgot to post it here.)
V0.9.1: Another terminology tweak. New terms: Average Voter Effectiveness, Average Voter Choice, Average Voter Effective Choice. Also, post-mortem will happen in a separate document. (This same version might later be changed to 1.0)