Awesome idea! As an excuse to practice some coding, I made a c++ program that runs a little Rational Breaks timer app on the terminal. I’ve put it on GitHub if anyone wants to try it out (only tested on linux) Currently in the process of adding a meal breaks feature and making it prettier, that will be up soon. If you use it, please give me feedback and suggest improvements/updates. This is also my first time using GitHub (I’m not a programmer) so any feedback on how that usually works would be great!
Awesome idea! As an excuse to practice some coding, I made a c++ program that runs a little Rational Breaks timer app on the terminal. I’ve put it on GitHub if anyone wants to try it out (only tested on linux) Currently in the process of adding a meal breaks feature and making it prettier, that will be up soon. If you use it, please give me feedback and suggest improvements/updates. This is also my first time using GitHub (I’m not a programmer) so any feedback on how that usually works would be great!
I have been using your app for a week now and I must say I really like it. It’s simple, clean, and has all the functionality it needs!