Hmm, updating on this I’d guess I a very wide Range of Phenomena, but maybe
normal or possibly even worse worse speed.
What you’d need to know is what counts as normal for the population you think you’re part of, and not for people in general. I’m not sure I have that information, apart from this broad generalization:
-In stage 2, range is not very wide, speed is very high
-in stage three, range is pretty wide, speed is much less than stage 2
-in stage 4, range is extremely wide, speed is variable but not as high as stage 2
People who don’t meditate seem to have range being narrow and speed being lower than any of the stages, but I’m not completely sure.
Also I never said I were alone in this. In fact we already know of two individuals that
show these symptoms just in the pool of people who have read this thread.
Adelene did not assert that she was outside the model (like you did), but only that she thought she was partially enlightened without ever having formally meditated. That is completely consistent with the model. Her results on the cessation-of-consciousness test agree with what the model would predict for such a person. She claims that her everyday experience is similar to stage four (or mode four perception), which agrees with what I asserted about partial enlightenment (in Part 2).
Let me know if you try the cessation-of-consciousness test and are interested in sharing what happened.
About your experience, I’m not sure I’m following. Let me take a step back. You say that “location” means x,y,z coordinates. Before, you wrote
“I know that some kind of events take place inside my brain...and some happen
outside of my brain, but other than location they don’t seem any different and I get
information about them through the same channel not sorted into two different
piles like most people do.
If you visualize purple monkeys, what is the location of that and how do you know? Given how you know it, why does that method of knowing result in it seeming different than e.g. the way your feet look, on the basis of location, but not on any other basis?
Location doesn’t sort into two piles, it sorts into an infinite amount of piles
arranged in a hierarchy.
It seems that you’re not talking about your actual experience (unless you assert that there is an actual infinity somewhere in your experience)?
I’m not sure what would be an “appropriate” response, visualizing is an action,
output not input, and also “how do you feel” tends to be after longer term trends rather than the exact moment,
People can visualize spontaneously. (cf. e.g. hypnagogic imagery, daydreaming, other stuff).
Someone can say “I was happy for hours but all of a sudden I felt sad” and that makes sense.
Could “I feel purple monkeys” be an accurate response to “how do you feel this very second?” in the way that “I feel sad” could be, if you hadn’t been visualizing purple monkeys for a long stretch leading up to the question? If so, it might be interesting to you to investigate how your experience differs from most people’s, just for the sake of self-understanding.
I’d also guess the incidental skills and effects are probably involved in the stages
My guess is that most of how the stages present is downstream from second-order recognizing and unmodeled personal factors, though ‘concentration’ can make a big difference here when formally meditating.
My working definition is somehting like “an agent that a correct and fully informed
implementation of CEV would assign subjective experience and care about for it’s
own sake.”.
According to your working definition, you don’t know whether you count as a person, and are very far from knowing.
But this doesn’t help, since you previously asserted that you are not one, and seemed to indicate that it has something to do with your ongoing “lack of self” experience.
Assuming what you meant was that you assume or believe with high probability that a good implementation of CEV would not count you as a person, why do you think so?
I’d love to continue it, as long as it’s understood I’m mostly guessing and won’t be very coherent. I’d strongly prefer to do it through more private channels thou.
What you’d need to know is what counts as normal for the population you think you’re part of, and not for people in general. I’m not sure I have that information, apart from this broad generalization:
-In stage 2, range is not very wide, speed is very high
-in stage three, range is pretty wide, speed is much less than stage 2
-in stage 4, range is extremely wide, speed is variable but not as high as stage 2
People who don’t meditate seem to have range being narrow and speed being lower than any of the stages, but I’m not completely sure.
Adelene did not assert that she was outside the model (like you did), but only that she thought she was partially enlightened without ever having formally meditated. That is completely consistent with the model. Her results on the cessation-of-consciousness test agree with what the model would predict for such a person. She claims that her everyday experience is similar to stage four (or mode four perception), which agrees with what I asserted about partial enlightenment (in Part 2).
Let me know if you try the cessation-of-consciousness test and are interested in sharing what happened.
About your experience, I’m not sure I’m following. Let me take a step back. You say that “location” means x,y,z coordinates. Before, you wrote
If you visualize purple monkeys, what is the location of that and how do you know? Given how you know it, why does that method of knowing result in it seeming different than e.g. the way your feet look, on the basis of location, but not on any other basis?
It seems that you’re not talking about your actual experience (unless you assert that there is an actual infinity somewhere in your experience)?
People can visualize spontaneously. (cf. e.g. hypnagogic imagery, daydreaming, other stuff).
Someone can say “I was happy for hours but all of a sudden I felt sad” and that makes sense.
Could “I feel purple monkeys” be an accurate response to “how do you feel this very second?” in the way that “I feel sad” could be, if you hadn’t been visualizing purple monkeys for a long stretch leading up to the question? If so, it might be interesting to you to investigate how your experience differs from most people’s, just for the sake of self-understanding.
My guess is that most of how the stages present is downstream from second-order recognizing and unmodeled personal factors, though ‘concentration’ can make a big difference here when formally meditating.
According to your working definition, you don’t know whether you count as a person, and are very far from knowing.
But this doesn’t help, since you previously asserted that you are not one, and seemed to indicate that it has something to do with your ongoing “lack of self” experience.
Assuming what you meant was that you assume or believe with high probability that a good implementation of CEV would not count you as a person, why do you think so?
I am feeling very confused right now, and suddenly very uncertain about all this stuff.
I could guess, but the most honest answer to most of these is simple “I don’t know.”.
Fair enough. These issues can definitely be confusing.
If you’d like to pick up on this conversation in the future (or restart it), feel free.
I’d love to continue it, as long as it’s understood I’m mostly guessing and won’t be very coherent. I’d strongly prefer to do it through more private channels thou.
No problem. Send me a message and let me know what’s on your mind.