Updated the link to the actual code. I computed the equilibria for the full game, and then computed the payoff per equilibrium for each player, and then took the mean for each player. I did the same but with the game with one option removed. The number in the chart is the proportion of games where removing one option from player A improved the payoff (averaged over equilibria).
If the number is >0.5, then that means that for that player, removing one option from A on average improves their payoffs. (The number of options is pre-removal). I also found this interesting, but the charts are maybe a bit misleading because often removing one option from A doesn’t change the equilibria. I’ll maybe generate some charts for this.
I’ll perhaps also write a clearer explanation of what is happening and repost as a top-level post.
Updated the link to the actual code. I computed the equilibria for the full game, and then computed the payoff per equilibrium for each player, and then took the mean for each player. I did the same but with the game with one option removed. The number in the chart is the proportion of games where removing one option from player A improved the payoff (averaged over equilibria).
If the number is >0.5, then that means that for that player, removing one option from A on average improves their payoffs. (The number of options is pre-removal). I also found this interesting, but the charts are maybe a bit misleading because often removing one option from A doesn’t change the equilibria. I’ll maybe generate some charts for this.
I’ll perhaps also write a clearer explanation of what is happening and repost as a top-level post.