Oops. Don’t know what’s wrong, it’s a shortform post by me. Here’s the text:
Crazy idea: you’re not allowed to downvote without either writing an explanation of why, or pressing agree on someone else’s explanation of why they downvoted. Or some variation of that.
Further ideas for Lesswrong:
ability to give a probability of showing up when RSVPing for event attendance
an option to sort comments on user pages (just as one can sort posts, i.e. by karma & timespans)
if a post is in two sequences, an ability to switch between the two sequences for that post
When I open the link it tells me I don’t have access to that post.
Oops. Don’t know what’s wrong, it’s a shortform post by me. Here’s the text:
I like this idea! I already try to follow “don’t downvote unless explaining”.
Oh cool. Me too. (The first vote on my comment here was a downvote with no explanation and I’d wondered if it was you making a slightly mean joke :p )
Nope, haha :-D