Hammertime is an old, but still really helpful “challenge”, if I may so. I have learned some brand new fundamentally useful habits from this 30-days period, and this way – a huge warm Thank You, alkjash!
I will answer this final exam in several messages, separating them but three themes you provided.
1. Techniques
Trust the exocortex / exobrain (reminders, todo-list) with everything you need to “remember” on a long run.
Hammertime is an old, but still really helpful “challenge”, if I may so. I have learned some brand new fundamentally useful habits from this 30-days period, and this way – a huge warm Thank You, alkjash!
I will answer this final exam in several messages, separating them but three themes you provided.
1. Techniques
Trust the exocortex / exobrain (reminders, todo-list) with everything you need to “remember” on a long run.
Getting the dish out of the oven on time.
Show up on time for your dentist appointment.
Get some physical exercise done.