I enjoyed it, although I’m already the sort of person who thinks Thinking Physics is fun—both the problem solving and the nitpicking about what constitutes a correct explanation. It seems worth doing at least a handful of problems this way, and more broadly deliberately practicing problem solving and metacognition about problem solving. Thinking Physics could be a good complement to Problem Solving Through Problems or How To Solve It, since in my (limited) experience you get quickly diminishing returns to anything but competition math with collections like that.
I’m also generally curious how you found the exercise, whether it seemed worthwhile to you.
I enjoyed it, although I’m already the sort of person who thinks Thinking Physics is fun—both the problem solving and the nitpicking about what constitutes a correct explanation. It seems worth doing at least a handful of problems this way, and more broadly deliberately practicing problem solving and metacognition about problem solving. Thinking Physics could be a good complement to Problem Solving Through Problems or How To Solve It, since in my (limited) experience you get quickly diminishing returns to anything but competition math with collections like that.