You appear to be very knowledgeable about vaping. Can I ask you for some personal advice?
My husband tried to switch to e-cigs on several occasions. Every time he was back to smoking within a couple of days. He has been using cheap clearomiser e-cigs, and he says the vape liquid leaks into his mouth and leaves a nasty taste, and I suspect that the nicotine content of his vape liquid is too low.
I have been trying to persuade him to try buproprion or more expensive e-cigs or vape liquid with a higher nicotine content.
These are the replies that I usually get:
‘I can quit without bupropion. I am smoking at the moment because of stressful event X, and I will quit on date Y when my life will be less stressful’
‘I will have the same problems with the expensive e-cigs’
‘I’m not really addicted to nicotine. I am just a puffer and I don’t draw the smoke deep into my lungs. I only smoke to keep my hands busy/deal with stress/keep me awake at work.’
You appear to be very knowledgeable about vaping. Can I ask you for some personal advice?
My husband tried to switch to e-cigs on several occasions. Every time he was back to smoking within a couple of days. He has been using cheap clearomiser e-cigs, and he says the vape liquid leaks into his mouth and leaves a nasty taste, and I suspect that the nicotine content of his vape liquid is too low.
I have been trying to persuade him to try buproprion or more expensive e-cigs or vape liquid with a higher nicotine content.
These are the replies that I usually get: ‘I can quit without bupropion. I am smoking at the moment because of stressful event X, and I will quit on date Y when my life will be less stressful’ ‘I will have the same problems with the expensive e-cigs’ ‘I’m not really addicted to nicotine. I am just a puffer and I don’t draw the smoke deep into my lungs. I only smoke to keep my hands busy/deal with stress/keep me awake at work.’