Nice question. I’m providing my solution below, spoiler protected so people can attempt to solve the problem on their own.
By König’s theorem
so the answer is no. This is also the smallest counterexample that ZFC should be able to decide, since GCH is undecided in ZFC and if GCH is true then ℵα will have a base two logarithm for any successor ordinal α and any infinite κ that has a base two logarithm will satisfy κω=κ.
Nice question. I’m providing my solution below, spoiler protected so people can attempt to solve the problem on their own.
By König’s theorem
so the answer is no. This is also the smallest counterexample that ZFC should be able to decide, since GCH is undecided in ZFC and if GCH is true then ℵα will have a base two logarithm for any successor ordinal α and any infinite κ that has a base two logarithm will satisfy κω=κ.