“I think this is flawed. Clearly, overeating for your entire life will probably have different effects from overeating for 22 days. There are a lot of 22-day periods in a person’s life. Someone on their 30th birthday has gone through nearly 500 of them.”
This is true, but doesn’t the same critique apply to most of the hypoxia studies you cite? They’re all a few weeks or shorter (or are performed on animals) and most of them seem to have small effect sizes (a few pounds). Of course, these effects could accumulate, but they could also rebound.
“In fact, studies that simulate high altitude with hypobaria (as opposed to normobaric hypoxia) seem to show greater effects on hunger perception than studies that actually take people to high altitudes. “
This result doesn’t surprise me. I’ve spent a lot of time at altitude (5-10 thousand feet above sea level) in dry conditions, but on the ground, and never noticed food to be any less flavorful, even when coming straight from sea level. I would guess some other factor is impacting airplanes specifically (don’t airplanes aggressively filter air? that seems like it could remove some scent-related particles).
“I think this is flawed. Clearly, overeating for your entire life will probably have different effects from overeating for 22 days. There are a lot of 22-day periods in a person’s life. Someone on their 30th birthday has gone through nearly 500 of them.”
This is true, but doesn’t the same critique apply to most of the hypoxia studies you cite? They’re all a few weeks or shorter (or are performed on animals) and most of them seem to have small effect sizes (a few pounds). Of course, these effects could accumulate, but they could also rebound.
“In fact, studies that simulate high altitude with hypobaria (as opposed to normobaric hypoxia) seem to show greater effects on hunger perception than studies that actually take people to high altitudes. “
This result doesn’t surprise me. I’ve spent a lot of time at altitude (5-10 thousand feet above sea level) in dry conditions, but on the ground, and never noticed food to be any less flavorful, even when coming straight from sea level. I would guess some other factor is impacting airplanes specifically (don’t airplanes aggressively filter air? that seems like it could remove some scent-related particles).