User profile page creation spamming the “recent wiki edits” feed.
Sequence_reruns devouring the tag space in discussion.
Among other problems that have been mentioned before.
Edited to add: Also, there’s this old list of issues and requests that could be run through and hopefully add a few of the accepted-but-never-implemented features.
DaFranker gave a pretty good summary of a lot of the issues. There are also minor interface issues (e.g. there’s been prior discussion about how being able to preview comments would be nice).
We could just have a meta thread on Less Wrong.
Doesn’t solve the problem of flooding Recent Comments without a site update, which ain’t happening.
There are at this point at least four or five serious site issues that need work. Suggestion: Someone should start a Kickstarter.
What issues are you seeing? The only one I’ve noticed is search returning subtly defective links for discussion articles.
All meetups spamming discussion.
User profile page creation spamming the “recent wiki edits” feed.
Sequence_reruns devouring the tag space in discussion.
Among other problems that have been mentioned before.
Edited to add: Also, there’s this old list of issues and requests that could be run through and hopefully add a few of the accepted-but-never-implemented features.
DaFranker gave a pretty good summary of a lot of the issues. There are also minor interface issues (e.g. there’s been prior discussion about how being able to preview comments would be nice).
i don’t see this as a problem.