as a tiny, mostly-uninformed data point, i read “if you realized how bad taxation is for the economy, you’d never stop screaming” to have a very diff vibe from Eliezer’s tweet, cause he didn’t use the word bad. I know it’s a small diff but it hits diff. Something in his tweet was amusing because it felt like it was pointing to a presumably neutral thing and making it scary? whereas saying the same thing about a clearly moralistic point seems like it’s doing a different thing.
Again—a very minor point here, just wanted to throw it in.
as a tiny, mostly-uninformed data point, i read “if you realized how bad taxation is for the economy, you’d never stop screaming” to have a very diff vibe from Eliezer’s tweet, cause he didn’t use the word bad. I know it’s a small diff but it hits diff. Something in his tweet was amusing because it felt like it was pointing to a presumably neutral thing and making it scary? whereas saying the same thing about a clearly moralistic point seems like it’s doing a different thing.
Again—a very minor point here, just wanted to throw it in.