It should be mentioned that when considering things like Cryonics in the Big World, you can’t just treat all the other “you” instances as making independent decisions, they’ll be thinking similarly enough to you that whatever conclusion you reach, this is what most “you” instances will end up doing. (unless you randomize, and assuming ‘most’ even means anything)
Seriously, I’d expect people to at least mention the superrational view when dealing with clones of themselves in decide-or-die coordination games.
It should be mentioned that when considering things like Cryonics in the Big World, you can’t just treat all the other “you” instances as making independent decisions, they’ll be thinking similarly enough to you that whatever conclusion you reach, this is what most “you” instances will end up doing. (unless you randomize, and assuming ‘most’ even means anything)
Seriously, I’d expect people to at least mention the superrational view when dealing with clones of themselves in decide-or-die coordination games.