I encourage you to change the title of the post to “The Intelligence Resource Curse” so that, in the very name, it echoes the well known concept of “The Resource Curse”.
Lots of people might only learn about “the resource curse” from being exposed to “the AI-as-capital-investment version of it” as the AI-version-of-it becomes politically salient due to AI overturning almost literally everything that everyone has been relying on in the economy and ecology of Earth over the next 10 years.
Many of those people will be able to bounce off of the concept the first time they hear it if they only hear “The Intelligence Curse” because it will pattern match to something they think they already understand: the way that smart people (if they go past a certain amount of smartness) seem to be cursed to unhappiness and failure because they are surrounded by morons they can barely get along with.
The two issues that “The Intelligence Curse” could naively be a name for are distinguished from each other if you tack on the two extra syllables and regularly say “The Intelligence Resource Curse” instead :-)
I appreciate this concern, but I disagree. An incognito google search of “intelligence curse” didn’t yield anything using this phrase on the front page except for this LessWrong post. Adding quotes around it or searching for the full phrase (“the intelligence curse”) showed this post as the first result.
A quick twitter search in recent shows the phrase “the intelligence curse” before this post:
In 24 tweets in total
With the most recent tweet on Dec 21, 2024
Before that, in a tweet from August 30, 2023
In 10 tweets since 2020
And all other mentions pre-2015
In short, I don’t think this is a common phrase and expect that this would be the most understood usage.
I agree that this could be a popular phrase because of future political salience. I expect that the idea that being intelligence is a curse would not be confused with this anymore than saying having resources are a curse (referring to wealthy people being unhappy) confuses people with the resource curse.
I think “the intelligence resource curse” would be hard for people to remember. I’m open to considering different names that are catchy or easy to remember.
I agree that the intelligence curse isn’t a common phrase. But I think the intelligence resource curse is more memorable because it encapsulates the whole idea.
I encourage you to change the title of the post to “The Intelligence Resource Curse” so that, in the very name, it echoes the well known concept of “The Resource Curse”.
Lots of people might only learn about “the resource curse” from being exposed to “the AI-as-capital-investment version of it” as the AI-version-of-it becomes politically salient due to AI overturning almost literally everything that everyone has been relying on in the economy and ecology of Earth over the next 10 years.
Many of those people will be able to bounce off of the concept the first time they hear it if they only hear “The Intelligence Curse” because it will pattern match to something they think they already understand: the way that smart people (if they go past a certain amount of smartness) seem to be cursed to unhappiness and failure because they are surrounded by morons they can barely get along with.
The two issues that “The Intelligence Curse” could naively be a name for are distinguished from each other if you tack on the two extra syllables and regularly say “The Intelligence Resource Curse” instead :-)
I appreciate this concern, but I disagree. An incognito google search of “intelligence curse” didn’t yield anything using this phrase on the front page except for this LessWrong post. Adding quotes around it or searching for the full phrase (“the intelligence curse”) showed this post as the first result.
A quick twitter search in recent shows the phrase “the intelligence curse” before this post:
In 24 tweets in total
With the most recent tweet on Dec 21, 2024
Before that, in a tweet from August 30, 2023
In 10 tweets since 2020
And all other mentions pre-2015
In short, I don’t think this is a common phrase and expect that this would be the most understood usage.
I agree that this could be a popular phrase because of future political salience. I expect that the idea that being intelligence is a curse would not be confused with this anymore than saying having resources are a curse (referring to wealthy people being unhappy) confuses people with the resource curse.
I think “the intelligence resource curse” would be hard for people to remember. I’m open to considering different names that are catchy or easy to remember.
I agree that the intelligence curse isn’t a common phrase. But I think the intelligence resource curse is more memorable because it encapsulates the whole idea.