I REALLY like this question, because I don’t know how to approach it, and that’s where learning happens.
So it’s definitely less bad to grow cows with good life experiences than with bad life experiences, even if their ultimate destiny is being killed for food. It’s kind of like asking if you’d prefer a punch in the face and a sandwich, or just a sandwich. Really easy decisions.
I think it’d be pretty suspicious if my moral calculus worked out in such a way that there was no version of maximally hedonistic existence for a cow that I could say that the cow didn’t have a damned awesome life and that we should feel like monsters for allowing it to have existed at all.
That having been said, if you give me a choice between cows that have been re-engineered such that their meat is delicious even after they die of natural causes, and humans don’t artificially shorten their lives, and they stand around having cowgasms all day -
and a world where cows grow without brains -
and a world where you grew steaks on bushes -
I think I’ll pick the bush-world, or the brainless cow world, over the cowgasm one, but I’d almost certainly eat cow meat in all of them. My preference there doesn’t have to do with cow-suffering. I suspect it has something to do with my incomplete evolution from one moral philosophy to another.
I’m kind of curious how others approach that question.
I REALLY like this question, because I don’t know how to approach it, and that’s where learning happens.
So it’s definitely less bad to grow cows with good life experiences than with bad life experiences, even if their ultimate destiny is being killed for food. It’s kind of like asking if you’d prefer a punch in the face and a sandwich, or just a sandwich. Really easy decisions.
I think it’d be pretty suspicious if my moral calculus worked out in such a way that there was no version of maximally hedonistic existence for a cow that I could say that the cow didn’t have a damned awesome life and that we should feel like monsters for allowing it to have existed at all.
That having been said, if you give me a choice between cows that have been re-engineered such that their meat is delicious even after they die of natural causes, and humans don’t artificially shorten their lives, and they stand around having cowgasms all day - and a world where cows grow without brains - and a world where you grew steaks on bushes -
I think I’ll pick the bush-world, or the brainless cow world, over the cowgasm one, but I’d almost certainly eat cow meat in all of them. My preference there doesn’t have to do with cow-suffering. I suspect it has something to do with my incomplete evolution from one moral philosophy to another.
I’m kind of curious how others approach that question.