WAIT. NO. I have a good guess as to why and have for a few months, and I have not been clear about my motives.
What I really want is for the downvoter to come out and say “I hold you in such contempt that I’m willing to skirt both LW policy and norms to deincentivize you from participating.”
I actually considered posting something like that, but could not figure out how to say it without it coming across as flagrant snark. Well. shrug
WAIT. NO. I have a good guess as to why and have for a few months, and I have not been clear about my motives.
What I really want is for the downvoter to come out and say “I hold you in such contempt that I’m willing to skirt both LW policy and norms to deincentivize you from participating.”
I actually considered posting something like that, but could not figure out how to say it without it coming across as flagrant snark. Well. shrug