I really admire your patience to re-learn math entirely from the extremely fundamental levels on-wards. I’ve had a similar situation with Computer Science for the longest time where I would have a large breadth of understanding of Comp Sci topics, but I didn’t feel as if I had a deep, intuitive understanding of all the topics and how they related to each other. All the online courses I found online seemed disjunct and separate from each other, and I would often start them and stop halfway through when I felt as if they were going nowhere. It’s even worse when you try to start from scratch but get bored out of your mind re-learing concepts you learned the week prior to it.
Interestingly though, when I got into game development and game design, that was how you were expected to learn—you pick up a bunch of topics/algorithms/design patterns superficially, and they eventually fit together as you interact with them more often.
Perhaps running through a bunch of books through on your study guide will be how I learn Python and AI development properly this time :)
I really admire your patience to re-learn math entirely from the extremely fundamental levels on-wards. I’ve had a similar situation with Computer Science for the longest time where I would have a large breadth of understanding of Comp Sci topics, but I didn’t feel as if I had a deep, intuitive understanding of all the topics and how they related to each other. All the online courses I found online seemed disjunct and separate from each other, and I would often start them and stop halfway through when I felt as if they were going nowhere. It’s even worse when you try to start from scratch but get bored out of your mind re-learing concepts you learned the week prior to it.
Interestingly though, when I got into game development and game design, that was how you were expected to learn—you pick up a bunch of topics/algorithms/design patterns superficially, and they eventually fit together as you interact with them more often.
Perhaps running through a bunch of books through on your study guide will be how I learn Python and AI development properly this time :)