Fair enough—I underestimate the power of evolution at my epistemic peril. My point remains: more direct communication (unfiltered by many levels of decoding and processing) could easily be more harmful than helpful.
Aside from snow crash / basilisk scenarios (which are yet un-demonstrated), language and vision are pretty safe, as they’re filtered through a lot of neural systems to find and pay special attention to surprising things. This is slow, but makes it way harder to trick than a more direct interface would.
Some drugs are an example of more direct impacts that are available today. If there were such a thing that’s actually guided by a human specifically to alter your mind in ways desired by the communicator, it would be quickly abused and removed.
Fair enough—I underestimate the power of evolution at my epistemic peril. My point remains: more direct communication (unfiltered by many levels of decoding and processing) could easily be more harmful than helpful.
Aside from snow crash / basilisk scenarios (which are yet un-demonstrated), language and vision are pretty safe, as they’re filtered through a lot of neural systems to find and pay special attention to surprising things. This is slow, but makes it way harder to trick than a more direct interface would.
Some drugs are an example of more direct impacts that are available today. If there were such a thing that’s actually guided by a human specifically to alter your mind in ways desired by the communicator, it would be quickly abused and removed.