If questioning the “rationality” of the discourse is defending them, then what do you suppose you’re doing?
I just don’t see the goals or values of this community reflected here and it confuses me. That’s why I made this account—to get clarity on what seems to me to be a total anomaly case in how the rationalist community members (at least as far as signaling goes, I guess) conduct themselves.
Because I’ve only seen what is classifiable as a hysteric response to this topic, the Leverage topic.
If questioning the “rationality” of the discourse is defending them, then what do you suppose you’re doing?
I just don’t see the goals or values of this community reflected here and it confuses me. That’s why I made this account—to get clarity on what seems to me to be a total anomaly case in how the rationalist community members (at least as far as signaling goes, I guess) conduct themselves.
Because I’ve only seen what is classifiable as a hysteric response to this topic, the Leverage topic.