Thanks, I’ll try this out! Zeo had already been shut down when I went to buy one, so I’m excited to see there’s a similar product on the market.
I’m not perfect about avoiding blue light but I do usually sleep in a cold room, stop eating well before bed, and wear an eye mask (although my room isn’t as dark as it should be).
Hopefully the Dreem will still help me get a better understanding of the factors that impact my sleep though.
I’ve been thinking about the “Muehlhauser as a Cool McGuffin” hypothesis for a couple of years.
In The Case of Boiling Boiling, Eliezer suggests using an “intelligence” (I hope it’s clear you meant the term) to predict how long it should slow down an earth ship (as long as your skin is nice) while the ship is still flying.
For example, let’s say the task of finding a safe low-ranking place to build the ship is extremely difficult and we all have to be sure that we won’t be embarrassed (let’s say we’d be in a room full of empty suits and we’d be able to feel comforted and safe)
I’ve found that we are able to focus about 200 hours on research work and we all feel it’d be too much time (or some other activity) to do the research in an engineering level but if we work out the solution and find it useful I think we’d have significantly improved our research.
In the case of my own PhD thesis, there’s no need to be a team of humans (including myself) and you can choose very quickly to run a team of humans all the time.
Thanks, I’ll try this out! Zeo had already been shut down when I went to buy one, so I’m excited to see there’s a similar product on the market.
I’m not perfect about avoiding blue light but I do usually sleep in a cold room, stop eating well before bed, and wear an eye mask (although my room isn’t as dark as it should be).
Hopefully the Dreem will still help me get a better understanding of the factors that impact my sleep though.
I’ve been thinking about the “Muehlhauser as a Cool McGuffin” hypothesis for a couple of years.
In The Case of Boiling Boiling, Eliezer suggests using an “intelligence” (I hope it’s clear you meant the term) to predict how long it should slow down an earth ship (as long as your skin is nice) while the ship is still flying.
For example, let’s say the task of finding a safe low-ranking place to build the ship is extremely difficult and we all have to be sure that we won’t be embarrassed (let’s say we’d be in a room full of empty suits and we’d be able to feel comforted and safe)
I’ve found that we are able to focus about 200 hours on research work and we all feel it’d be too much time (or some other activity) to do the research in an engineering level but if we work out the solution and find it useful I think we’d have significantly improved our research.
In the case of my own PhD thesis, there’s no need to be a team of humans (including myself) and you can choose very quickly to run a team of humans all the time.