Or, you know, it’s just simply true that people experience much more suffering than happiness. Also, they aren’t so very aware of this themselves, because of how memories work.
That certanly is not true of me or of my life overall, except during a few short periods. I don’t have the same access to other people’s internal state, but I doubt it is true of most people.
There certanly are a significant number people who it may be true of, people who suffer from depression or chronic pain or who are living in other difficult circumstances. I highly doubt that that’s the majority of people, though.
That certanly is not true of me or of my life overall, except during a few short periods. I don’t have the same access to other people’s internal state, but I doubt it is true of most people.
There certanly are a significant number people who it may be true of, people who suffer from depression or chronic pain or who are living in other difficult circumstances. I highly doubt that that’s the majority of people, though.